Baseball Fever Follow-up

After posting my previous post, I was able to get out to my local Exchange outside of Pittsburgh in nearby Robinson. There I conveniently exchanged my broken All-Star Baseball 2000 for another copy. When I got home, I ran to the old faithful, N64, and tried the game. I had to put a little more pressure inserting the cartridge but it worked.

Now, being that this was a sports game, I assumed correctly that there would be very little changes to the game play. But the changes that were make, mainly to the opening credits, menu and options did set itself away from its predecessor.  I liked the fact that I did not have to learn new buttons and could literally turn on the game and not skip a beat. One aspect that I really liked was the upgraded create-a-player mode. Nothing beats playing with a guy who bears no resemblance to you and looks slightly better than a minecraft character. Basically, only being a year newer and having updated rosters, the two games were basically the same. It’s probably safe to assume that All-Star Baseball 2001 is just as similar.

Clearly, one thing we all take for granite is the saving ability we have on our newer systems. A hard drive is one of the greatest additions to whichever system we prefer. I say this because I have five controller paks for my N64 and I believe I’ve gotten two of them to work correctly. And since the technology is no longer being made, the decision to turn to a modded console grows increasingly as well as seeing some of the price tags on these older games, specifically for the N64.

Anyways, another gaming happy ending. Onward and upward towards the next game.

Meet me in the center!

About silliestputty

One time life of the party now facing an early retirement.

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